A Little Bit of This and A Little Bit of That

Today I am going to make a set of curtains for my mothers downstairs bathroom!  I am pretty excited to do this project for her.  She picked out the main fabric, but I am going to add some touches that I KNOW she will LOVE.

I found the purple roses fabric on clearance at Walmart some time ago and just loved it!  Turns out Mom does too!  So I am giving her curtains a pretty little valance with this fabric.  At the bottom I am going to attach some beautiful vintage lace. And just for fun, I might find someplace to attach this purple rose.

Mom and I originally picked out the roses (which came in a multicolored pack) for the pink one to attach to the purse I am working on.  We picked out several different embellishments, brought them home to try out, then decided the rose was the perfect compliment to this purse, I can't wait to get it finished up!

And just for fun, this is what my grandchildren are working on this morning...Finger Paint!  Yes, my grandson is upset, lol, he is ready for a bath, but his baby sister was still having a grand time. Of course they proceeded to paint the walls of my bathtub during their bath. :)

I'll be back hopefully by this evening with a set of curtains to show off.

And then, and then, and then, and then, and theeeeennnnnnnnnnn

I hope y’all get my title reference. I normally do not like stupid humor, I have more of a dad joke sense of humor, but for some reason I fi...