Oh My Gosh! OK! So I finally worked my way through the Simplicity pattern 2169!
This was no easy task! It took me a few days to find an easy way to master the ruffles before I remembered something about dental floss and used that to EASILY create these ruffles. See how I did it here.
Stitching the upper half to the lower half also gave me trouble as well, but using my handy dandy seam ripper, I was able to work though it rather easily. Also this is the first time I have ever gotten to use the technique of "Stitch in the Ditch." So that was cool.
But perhaps the thing that I am most proud of on this project is my use of the bias tape around the closure flap! It's not that I have not done this before, it's just that I never had problems with using bias tape before this project.
I have done binding on several pillow case dresses, around the arm holes.
But this time, oh this was NOT working out right! So I procrastinated for a few days, hemming and hawing over cutting on the bias of my remaining fabric. You see, I KNOW that for this to work properly it MUST be cut on the bias, BUT, it had always worked out so well for me before not cutting on the bias, and I really wanted to make the trim all black, but I also wanted to use the same fabric as I had been using all along too, and the only place it had any solid black was along the bottom, straight across! Do you see my dilemma?
To me, cutting on the bias kind of seems like a waste of fabric, but I did what I was suppose to do and I cut my binding strip on the true bias and don't you know, I got great results!!! I will never doubt again, I will never think it's a waste of fabric again!
So now this project is finished and I am ready to start the next one!
I am hoping for a one day turn around for this one, so it will be something fairly simple. I found some fabric that I am in LOVE with, so of course I am going to do something with it, today, for sure!
Next purse:
We were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well. 1 Thessalonians 2:8 NIV
And then, and then, and then, and then, and theeeeennnnnnnnnnn
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