More Inspiration: Drawing

A couple of summers ago I took an art class at the Community College. It was a fun summer class. Of course I was the only old grandma in the class, but it was so wonderful being around all of the talented youth! I loved it. Here are a few drawings that I made in that class. It was a tough class and the instructor was insanely critical but I have a new found respect for this type of artistry!

The first assignment, draw and apple! I was so scared, I've never drawn like this before!
Second assignment, drawing shadows

Third assignment, drawing light

I don't remember what we were doing here, lol, we were given a mask and had to come up with something for it so I made mine peeking.

Learning colored pencil

This was my final, I had to do it all on my own outside of class, so I had no coaching as I did with the above drawings. It was tough!

And then, and then, and then, and then, and theeeeennnnnnnnnnn

I hope y’all get my title reference. I normally do not like stupid humor, I have more of a dad joke sense of humor, but for some reason I fi...