I really believe in play. Not just for children, but absolutely for adults as well. I think creativity and playfulness can really help us in so many areas of our lives. One of the greatest things we can learn from play is what lights us up inside. Through exploring, we can discover our likes and dislikes. We discover what works for us and what brings us joy. If you are struggling with your purpose, play! And play looks so different for each of us. For some it may only be in the form of words. But you can still try different styles of writing until you land on what it is that gives you that deep down sense of well-being. Or maybe it's singing or dancing or hands on art projects. I believe we all have access to joy but we must explore to discover. The following series of posts will give you an idea of my play. Some things I love and have become passionate about and others not so much. Through it all, I have discovered what it is I truly want from life and have healed so many hurts. Art truly is therapeutic. But more than that, play is so good for your soul!
I am trying to decide where to start here. There is so much to cover. I think I will go with where I started, which is crochet. I only have one picture of this because when I started my play adventure, it was not common to take pics and post them everywhere! And just to stay on the older woman train here.....This goes back before facebook even existed. But hey, PLAY KNOWS NO AGE LIMIT! I am still learning new things all the time. I thrive on it.
I actually have made many, many crocheted items, but this is a simple dish cloth. I loved crochet but it is very time consuming and I am an ever moving, ever learning, ever playing kind of woman.
So I started sewing. And I LOVE sewing bags. Some of them have already been featured in other posts I have made, so rather than go into a lot of detail, I will just post a few pictures of some of the bags I have made over the years. If you see anything you like, please ask about it and I will look up pattern information for you. I still have most every pattern I've ever purchased or downloaded.
Bucket Bag |
Eyeglass Holder Coffee Mug |
Man Tote |
Inside Man Tote |
Makeup Bag |
Walker Bag |
Tote Bag |
Patchwork Tote Bag |
Small Drawstring Bag |
Small Drawstring Bag |
Small Tote Bags |
Summer Handbag |
Inside Summer Handbag |
Purse made from Mens Neckties (During construction) |
Back of Necktie Purse (During construction) |
Completed Necktie Purse |
Inside Necktie Purse |
Water Resistant Bag created for a breast pump and later use as a swim bag |
Please keep checking back as I upload more inspiration for you!
With Love in Christ,